4200 The lily trotter or jacana spreads its weight on lily pads with its huge feet
4201 White-faced wistling ducks often gather in flocks
4202 Common throughout sub Saharan Africa, the pied kingfisher is a striking bird, often seen hovering before a dive
4203 The lesser flamingo is the smaller of the two types in Amboseli and is also easily identified by its all dark beak
4204 The larger greater flamingo has a mostly pink beak with a black tip
4205 Egyptian geese are widespread across Africa
4206 Red-billed teal love large shallow freshwater lakes
4207 Greater flamingo in flight
4208 The black crake lives in waterways with plenty of fringing and floating vegetation
4209 The African spoonbill eats small fish and aquatic invertebrates, insects and molluscs
4210 A mixed flock of egrets, spoonbills and a yellow-billed stork
4211 The great egret is the largest of the white storks. Its beak is yellow in non breeding birds and black when breeding
4212 The glossy ibis is similar to the hadada ibis but has a slimmer dark bill and longer legs
4213 A yellow-billed stork fishing in the marshy shallows
4214 Great white pelicans. Flocks engage in cooperative fishing by herding small fish up then all dip their beaks at once to catch
4215 Long-tailed or reed cormorant drying its wings
4216 Cattle egret in breeding colours. The rest of the time they loose the orangy wash
4217 A squacco heron waiting patiently to pounce on an unwary fish
4218 White-faced whistling ducks
4219 The ancient Egyptians considered the sacred ibis to be the earthly form of Thoth
4220 The little egret is widespread in Africa and Europe as far as the UK
4221 Fish eagle, the voice of Africa. Pairs often duet, one calls and the other replies
4222 Grey heron, possibly juvenile
4223 Great egret