1449 Much of Meru is flat bushy plain
1450 The distinctive doum palm, silhouetted by the setting sun
1451 The very red lateritic soil is a feature of the area
1452 Many small rivers cross the Park
1453 Hot and dusty, late afternoon
1454 The sun sets behind the Nyambene Hills
1455 Giraffes love this shrubby bushland
1456 There are large areas of open grassy savannah
1457 The Nyambene Hills
1459 The very thick bush is a favourite place to find large herds of buffalos
1459 Late afternoon sun on a prominent rocky outcrop
1460 This small hill is known as Leopard rock
1461 Umbrella thorn
1462 The savannah areas support a good population of zebras
1463 Many trees grow along the course of the streams and produce these lines of rich green
1464 Fever trees and doum palms
1465 Acacias and croton thickets are a common feature in Meru
1466 Another pretty sunset
1467 Savannah
1468 Short grass plains attract herds of Grant's gazelles
1469 Some areas are very thick bush and game spotting is difficult
1470 This is the Rojowero river
1471 In some locations there are lots of these large termite mounds
1472 The Nyambene hills are the catchment for Meru's many rivers