400 A black-backed jackal out on the Serengeti plain
401 The leopard was hard to see as it relaxed in the tree waiting for darkness to fall
402 Thirsty wildebeeste were amassing near to the river at Ndutu
403 There are an estimated 1.8 million wildebeeste and 500 thousand zebras on the Great Migration around the Serengeti
404 The wildebeeste of Northern Tanzania and Kenya are also known as white-bearded gnu
405 Spotted hyaenas are always shadowing the migrating herds
406 Cheetahs taking it easy in the shade of an acacia
407 Mixed groups of Thompson's and Grant's gazelles were often seen
408 Spotted hyaena pups waking up in the late afternoon
409 Plains zebras drinking from the river at Ndutu
410 Zebras enjoying a morning drink
411 Current research points to zebras being black animals with white stripes
412 A pair of Kirk's dikdik. Legend says that if one is killed the other will die of a broken heart within 24 hours
413 This baby wildebeeste is only about 5 minutes old and has stood up for the first time. They can run within 20 minutes
414 Band of brothers. The young lions are about 2 1/2 years old and have not grown full manes yet
415 He is a King in waiting
416 Portrait of a cheetah
417 Built for speed but luckily for the unwary zebra they re not hunting
418 This little antelope is a steenbok, they are quite common but often overlooked
419 Eland in the Serengeti are very shy and so we often only got a rear view of them as they ran off
420 Grant's gazelle buck on the short grass plain
421 Maasai giraffes are found wherever there are lots of acacias for them to browse
422 The lionesses had brought the wildebeeste down earlier
423 The hyaena just needed to cool off