4097 The bohor reedbuck lives close to water, and is common around the swampland
4098 There are a lot of Thompson's gazelles in Amboseli
4099 Two zebras will often stand like this, probably to gain all round vision of th area
4100 Zebra foal resting
4101 The female bohor reedbuck does not have horns
4102 Thompson's gazelle. They thrive on the short grass plains
4103 Bohor reedbuck
4104 The tusks on the central elephant have developed pointing backwards
4105 Elephants love the grassy swamp
4106 They sink quite a way into the marsh
4107 Youngster suddenly realises he needs to catch up with mum
4108 Many Thompson's gazelles spread out in one area will corodinate their movements to fresh pasure or water
4109 Hippos can be one of the most dangerous animals in Africa
4110 Hippos generally leave the water at night to fed on grass
4111 The pinkish colour of the skin is partly due to a reddish secretion that protects against sunburn
4112 A family of cheetahs resting up in the shade
4089 They all want to avoid the heat
4114 View across the marsh
4115 The drought conditions make finding enough food difficult for the elephants
4116 Zebras often enjoy a dust bath
4117 Cooling off in the lake
4118 Bohor reedbuck feed mostly at night and will travel up to eight kilometers
4119 Someone always needs to keep watch, mostly for lions, which will kill cheetahs
4120 Giraffes were seen on the edges of the park where there is more bush