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Nature Explored

Photography and Information
by Chris Dunford







Moremi Birds I (August)

Moremi is a great place to see lots of fish eagles2848 Moremi is a great place to see lots of fish eagles

The Cape turtle dove. Also known as the ring-necked dove in Eastern Africa2849 The Cape turtle dove. Also known as the ring-necked dove in Eastern Africa

2850 The small emerald-spotted wood dove2850 The small emerald-spotted wood dove

The grey-backed camaroptera is a small wren like warbler often found in deciduous woodland and dry thickets2851 The grey-backed camaroptera is a small wren like warbler often found in deciduous woodland and dry thickets

This is probably an immature African hawk eagle2852 This is probably an immature African hawk eagle

Burchell's sand grouse. Likes drier areas and is common in the Kalahari. Females have a yellowy face2853 Burchell's sand grouse. Likes drier areas and is common in the Kalahari. Females have a yellowy face

2854 The Senegal coucal likes walking around in long grass. We saw one narrowly escape being caught by a leopard2854 The Senegal coucal likes walking around in long grass. We saw one narrowly escape being caught by a leopard

These lesser striped swallows were commonly seen near water where they like to hunt small insects2855 These lesser striped swallows were commonly seen near water where they like to hunt small insects

This lesser striped swallow treated us to a superb display of low level flying at high speed2856 This lesser striped swallow treated us to a superb display of low level flying at high speed

Egyptian geese seem to be common all over Africa2857 Egyptian geese seem to be common all over Africa

Large noisy flocks of helmeted Guinea fowl abound in the drier areas2858 Large noisy flocks of helmeted Guinea fowl abound in the drier areas

The striking southern pied babbler prefers arid savannah and thornveld2859 The striking southern pied babbler prefers arid savannah and thornveld

The crowned plover patrols the open savannahs and dry floodplains2860 The crowned plover patrols the open savannahs and dry floodplains

White-browed sparrow weavers breed co-operatively in thorn trees. Most nests are for roosting only, as only the dominant pair hatch eggs2861 White-browed sparrow weavers breed co-operatively in thorn trees but only the dominant pair hatch eggs

Dark chanting-goshawks often sit on dead trees scanning for prey. They will take live food or carrion2862 Dark chanting-goshawks often sit on dead trees scanning for prey. They will take live food or carrion

2863 A very noisy crested francolin. They like woodland and wooded savannah2863 A very noisy crested francolin. They like woodland and wooded savannah

Swainson's spurfowl. A common resident in dry areas2864 Swainson's spurfowl. A common resident in dry areas

Magpie shrikes are usually seen in pairs or small groups up to four2865 Magpie shrikes are usually seen in pairs or small groups up to four

This martial eagle has killed a monitor lizard2866 This martial eagle has killed a monitor lizard

This smart looking bird is a Dickinson's kestrel2867 This smart looking bird is a Dickinson's kestrel

 The black crake loves the marshes in Moremi2868 The black crake loves the marshes in Moremi

2869 The woolly-necked stork is another common marshland resident2869 The woolly-necked stork is another common marshland resident

2870 Grey heron2870 Grey heron

Green wood-hoopoes are usually seen in small groups in Moremi's woodlands2871 Green wood-hoopoes are usually seen in small groups in Moremi's woodlands